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"The Veterinary Institute of Paducah's core mission is to cultivate an environment in which our patients, employees, and clients can thrive by providing excellent medicine, thorough communication, and empathy for all ."
3526 Park Plaza Road Paducah, Kentucky, 42001 8:00-5:00 M-F (270) 845-3847

Russell B. Jones
Oct 10, 20243 min read
Blog post *not* brought to you by AI!
Thankfully, the oppressive heat of summer seems to be subsiding... for now.... and there are whispers of a frost next week, but we are in...
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Russell B. Jones
Jun 4, 20244 min read
Diving Into the Summer: The Heat is On
I hope everyone is doing well as our annual onset of oppressive humidity begins its assault on anyone unlucky enough to have to go...
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Russell B. Jones
Mar 8, 20244 min read
Six Months In: Hitting Our Stride
Do you ever look back at periods of intense change in your life and feel like you were just along for the ride, speeding fast through a...
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Russell B. Jones
Oct 26, 20234 min read
It's Been Too Long...First Update Since Opening!
Wow! I cannot believe it has been almost three months since we opened the doors to VIP! What a whirlwind! As I predicted, blog posts...
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Russell B. Jones
Jul 8, 20233 min read
T-minus 23 Days and Counting!!!
Wow y'all it is getting to be CRUNCH TIME! Things are just moving, moving, moving around VIP!!! With just a little over three weeks...
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Russell B. Jones
Jun 3, 20238 min read
Wanted: Practice Manager!
I have been mulling this post/advertisement in my head for quite some time now trying to find a way to articulate all the thoughts and...
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Russell B. Jones
May 4, 20234 min read
Signage: Arts and Crafts to the Rescue!
You would think the past two weeks were a flurry of activity and progress, and there was some stuff to do, but still, most of my time has...
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Russell B. Jones
Apr 20, 20233 min read
Big News, y'all!
After many months of planning, researching, phone calls, meetings, signing my name in blood, waiting, waiting more, hanging out, and...
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Russell B. Jones
Mar 28, 20232 min read
Moving right along.
Since my first update, things in the business world continue to move like molasses. The only way I could make things move more slowly...
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Russell B. Jones
Feb 23, 20234 min read
First Blog: So it begins.
If you're reading this, you're in for a treat! You're actually reading the first of many blogs about the Veterinary Institute of Paducah...
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